
online catalogue of resources and papers aimed to provide first-time learners with basic knowledge of command line

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Catalogue of resources providing first-time learners with basic knowledge of command line

Researchers in the life sciences and medical sciences increasingly rely on applications that lack a graphical interface and require typing commands through a terminal rather than using a mouse and graphical interface (GUI). Scientists who are not trained in computer science face an enormous challenge in analyzing high-throughput data.

We have prepared online catalogue of resources and published papers providing first-time learners with basic knowledge of command line. The catalogue was prepared for our study “Addressing the digital divide in contemporary biology: Lessons from teaching UNIX”

Online resorces


Published paper

We are working to improve the catalogue. New resourse or paper can be added by Issues iterface using this link (use New Issue button):

(C) Prepared by Serghei Mangul 2017